Wednesday, March 31, 2004
alright... have been a few days since i blog... nothing much to say... cause all these day busying with the homework and school works and of course the test... hahaz... last time i talk about the ngee ann poly that concert... what can i say... they really did it very well... every performance are so ncie... the choir... the orchestra... bad... drama, dance... all very nice to see.... the school there also very nice ... think i will be choosing either sp or np to go to bahz... =) for that performance... i see until 12 smth den reach home thanks goodness caught the last bus... hahaz... but what ca i say.... a very nice trip... hahaz... whoa... haha... 7 more day or rather 6 more days to my birthday liaoz... haiz... one year older... sniff sniff... hahaz... but nevermind can see nc-16 liaoz... lolx so update more when i am free.... fri still got test den tm i think i am going down to hq after my school to purchase the badges.... haiz... tired arhz... YawN~
Saturday, March 27, 2004
YoZz.... going to ngee ann poly to see the Chinese Orchestra Concert... got the free ticket from my friend bro... hahaz... so tired... but nevermind... sleep there can liaoz...f ree air con... heex.... just kidding la... off now... ^(^@^)^
Friday, March 26, 2004
expressing them
*if u love someone
go for it
cuz once love's gone
u'll never know when it's coming again
have the courage
to tell him/her
u love him/her
don't be 'fraid of rejection
cuz that's wad love is all about
the difference betw expressing ur love
and having regrets is that
regrets will stay ard foRever
it's never too late to express them*
*it's not the end of the world
but a start of a new girl
u manage to brave thru
and it's his loss he doesn't like u
cuz he shld be the one to grieve
of losing someone who love him
dis is wad love's all about
stop clinging on him
as he wun be touched by it
showed it to him u can
and u'll live thru ur life w/o him
cuz love's in the air
anD someone's out there who care*
(exacted from tingz's blog)
i am tired...
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Take Me To Your Heart
(Music:Jacky Zhang/Words: Jascha Richter)
Hiding from the rain and snow
Trying to forget but I won't let go
Looking at a crowded street
Listening to my own heart beat
So many people all around the world
Tell me where do I find someone like you girl
Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand before I'm old
Show me what love is - haven't got a clue
Show me that wonders can be true
They say nothing lasts forever
We're only here today
Love is now or never
Bring me far away
Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand and hold me
Show me what love is - be my guiding star
It's easy take me to your heart
Standing on a mountain high
Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky
I should go and see some friends
But they don't really comprehend
Don't need too much talking without saying anything
All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
同样的,他不爱你的时候也没有办法假装爱你 。
Saturday, March 20, 2004
another day had begin~... haiz... hols going to over and i spend everyday in school for english enrichment... what a hols is this mahz.... =( today still need to go to school for meeting... wonder what will the outcome be... sure will be chaos... i can predicit... sad~ ^(-@-)^
Friday, March 19, 2004
alright... enough of the thing about
zhiwei as what i have say he will always remain in our mind...
alright today got a lot of thing for m to think about... a lot and alot... what should i do... again.,... me alone at home... no one except me... i just get tired of it...always only me at home with the accompany of television, computer and my dad that four "luo han yu" i agree that i like to be alone sometimes.... but not all the time... i do need someone i can confide to... to talk to , or just to stay beside me when i am feeling low...... till now i dont think anyone has ever really know how i feel at any moment..., other than sometimes my family... but just one will really know how i feel...i do get tired of it... but i think i getting more used and comfortable to it...i think i going to like this feelinga nd who knows one day i might just... who knows... i did have the tinge urge of committing suicide before but i didnt... i did not have the courage yet... rememebr i have ask some of my friends... if u all were to choose to commit suicide... which ways will you all go for...
1) jump into the sea 2) jump down from a building 3)eat poison 4)cut your wraist 5)eat exceed medicine .. some choose to eat exceed medicine as it doesnt hurt at all... guess what i choose...?? i choose to jump down from a building and my reason was that before i die... at least i could fulfill my last wish... which is to fly...weird reason i have right... we even discuss the time and the place if we want to commit suicide... haha... i choose to jump after midnight to before 5 in the morning where everyone is still sleeping... no one will be able to stop me and i will just go peacfully... the place preferably the building i live in as i dont wish to find other place to... it just a waste of time... ... ...
yesterday was 18 march... the first month anniversary... the day i will never forget how much hurt we have... it was perhaps the only day we have been so hurt... i will never forget the day i have with him... during obs... during school day... and all the thing he have done to make us happy... sad...and united as a class ever afteras what other have said...he will always be in our heart and no matter how far he is , he will always be in our heart... the best monitor we ever had... he really bring lot of fun into our lives... brighten up everyone life.. and of course i wont forget he was a good singer who knew song from children to oldies... although he no longer will be able to be with us again... but i will always remember those times... and i really miss those days that every morning go to school... saw him at the bus stop took the same bus and after school... took the same bus home and alight at the same bus stop... but i could no londer saw tt again... no longer... but i will miss him... no only me.. the whole class , his friend and his family will miss him too...

Tuesday, March 16, 2004
rain rain go away... come again another day~
bring the lighting away with you...
Friday, March 12, 2004
what a tiring day~~
nothing much happen today... just went fo first aid duty for maha bohi sport day... very tired... but today only attend less then 2 periods of lesson... hahaz... then after that took my test which i missed in library... this time round sure flunk my geo test... sob sob... today very confusing also... talk to my friends about the tall one short one fat one thin one... ayai... dont know... confused up already... very confusing .... but afterall i know what is it all about larhz... but... this problem... very hard to solve la...the thing ... so complicated... the only thing i would say is that... if u like him.... strike for it although it doesnt apply to me la... but that the only thing i could think of la... heex... tomorrow still got red cross... dunno what will happen tomorrow la...
it really hurts when the ones one love dont love you
but how does it feel that when u love someone and you know dont how the person feel for you
you are just always waiting for nothing, perhaps an answer, but no replied...
aint it hurt more..?

Waaah! You're so LOVABLE! Everybody likes you,
because you're a great person to have around
and it's always happy about everything ^^.
congrats! and...can I hug you?? plz! ^///^
Yet another personality test ^-^ (nice anime pics!) NEW outcome!! brought to you by Quizilla

Congratulations, You're Yuna. Your nice, naive,
strong-willed, and everyone seems to step all
over u since ur so nice. Plus, you can be
stubborn when you want to be.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You? (Yuna, Rikku, or Paine) brought to you by Quizilla
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Finally finish my essay on the censorship on internet... haha... finally got that load off my shoulder... but die arhz... never do my differentiation worksheet.... opps... but heck care tomorrow go school then do... hahaz....
28 more days to my bday~~
haha cant wait for me to turn 16 year old... lolx... but 1 year older liaoz.. (",) but can see
nc-16 show liaoz... hahaz... just kidding...
today very funny the teacher taking over
mr gui teach us physics today... cant catch a words he is saying... the most funny thing is he sometime talk will out of tune one... but overall he not bad larhz... afterall he not really a teacher mahz... cannot always bully him larhz... hahaz... tomorrow will be prefect investi... -sigh- saw the rehearsal today... got lot of speech... speech my principal, head prefect, ex- head prefect... wonder how long the speech will take den still got the flag continguent, the same old type of prefect walking in then turn when the music stop and sit down and the music is the same one... wonder if they ever think of changing the music?? after that must wait for all the prefect to reciever they dunno wat nametag then say their pledge den performances by them... -sigh- sure take a long time one... tomorrow leg sure will numb... hahaz... ok larhz... enough of my crap... got to sleep liaoz... if not tomorrow sure got LRCs.... hahaz....^(^@^)^
it has been a long time since i saw you blogging about 3 days?? when will you be alive again...
Monday, March 08, 2004
Should internet be free from censorship?
haha this is my topic on debate... i got to write out an argumentive text depend 0n the information i got... search thru the web but still cant get any good idea... should i agree to it or not... hahaz headache arhz...
Here a debate on my topic... haha... dunno what to say about it
It is way too easy for children to access pornographic material. Just do a search for something as harmless as sports pictures, and you will see that a few porn pictures will slip in. A child could innocently click on one.
The simplest solution to this problem is a minor change to the domain naming system which will make adult oriented sites easily identified and restricted from viewing by underage individuals. An ideal solution in this case would be one that effectively limits children's access to such content, is easy and efficient to enforce, and requires little adjustment by the Internet using community. Imagine if sites with pornographic content ended in ".xxx" rather than ".com", or ".net" and then imagine if Netscape and Internet Explorer could block out all sites that had ".xxx" in their addresses.
We censor all forms of media now except the internet.
There are four reasons for internet censorship:
Two of the purposes are desirable goals: access control to protect children and to enable adults to avoid material which offends their personal and community standards. Both of these can be achieved very well with filtering software on the user's computer, and cannot be achieved in any practical sense with censorship.
A third goal - censorship to impose certain moral frameworks on the communications of adults - is not desirable and is not achievable by any means, except only partially, with many costs and difficulties, with some form of censorship.
A fourth goal, stopping the communication of material which it is illegal to possess, like bomb plans, is in many ways desirable, but hardly achievable because of the free availability of strong cryptography.
Filtering and blocking software in public institutions raise the question about who is responsible for the de-selection of the material.
Raises freedom of speech/freedom to read issues in a constitutional context.
Raises questions about the rights and responsibilities of children.
Raises questions about what is appropriate and what is not appropriate --
a) some filtering software blocks hate group sites. If a student is trying to research about skinheads or neoNazis, that information will be blocked on the Internet.
b) some software programs block any mention of the word "sex" and will therefore block out sites dealing with biological and botanical issues involving procreation.
c) filtering programs will block the word "breast" and therefore block information about breast cancer.
Internet users know best. The primary responsibility for determining what speech to access should remain with the individual Internet user; parents should take primary responsibility for determining what their children should access.
hmmz... so should i agree to the cenorship of the internet or not... it is true that certain extent of censorship is needed... but not to a great extent right... that no wrong in ones watching porn right, as singapore is a democratic country, everyone has a right to go to whatever website they want as long as it does not did any bad to the country... but censorship also needed , esp to children and teenages.... -sigh- so which should i choose free from censorship or not... -sigh- think i will take the easiest route out... ^(^@^)^
Saturday, March 06, 2004
alright shall make my blog alive once again...... hmz...haven been blooging for almost one week... kind of busy for the whole week over my common test... hardly get any sleep even on saturday... but finally common test is over, i could at least breath some fresh air... shall make it short... got to rush to my lesson after this... today got muster parade again need to heard the long speech... but nevermind... no one in red cross is gonna fall down... that our tradition in mjr red cross ok... really great i join red cross... though i dunno why i put it as my last choice i also got in... heex... ok enough of my crap....
how would you know
if you've fallen in love real hard?
-its when someone hurts you
and you love him/her still.
den he/she hurts you again
to find out that you love him even more.
quote this somewhere... and it really hit my heart... and i realise he isnt really my cup of coffee, is just a lust i perhaps... there shall be someone who is my cup of coffee and i wont be really know unless i get to taste it.. but guess what , the coffee seem to be farther abd farther away from me...
thaks for those who will be always around when i am sad... ^(^@^)^