Friday, April 30, 2004
phew... finally my english paper finish today... a little lighter now... hahaz... spend the whole day sitting in front of the televisi0n playing final fantasy x-2... in the end got killed by the dunno what dragon... stupid lahz.. very hard to kill in... give up in the end... hahaz... tml going out with vien boon and daph they all... finally got one sat free can go liaoz... hahaz... so tired now... sun my cousin and their parent coming to singapore from brunei for vacation.... so nice... miss them sia... miss all my relatives in brunei... all of them are so nice... gonna visit them once my o level is over... at least they seem to be more friendly than those relative in singapore... haha... my bro and sis agree to it too.... haha... maybe is long long time then see ... when seemore happy lorhz... mid year coming... still haven start preparing... haiz... brought the montage ( our school concert performance at vitoria hall) today... wonder how the performance will be... hahaz... looking foward... ...
i will try to soar high up into the sky without you... whether will i succeed... i dont know...
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
spend quite lot of money yesterday... but not only my stuff... but manage to get peoples to share... so after all still quite reasonable la... bought a pure milk shirt and a vest for
kb birthday present...spend the whole day at bugis yesterday... actually looking for his present... but end up taking photo.... opps... shh... hahaz... ok la... afterall we manage to get him the present right... then wanna give him today after school one... heard from others ( cause i have extra lesson) that he left liaoz... so bad right... dun buy for him next time liaoz... gu fu wo men de xin yi.... so more so ex... hahaz... me kind of fussy over money issues nowaday... no choice... april so many ppl bdae... that why... i
like april i also hate april hahaz...
not really feeling well today... have a slight headache... slept throughout the 6 out of 9 periods in school... ... only awake when i came to math periods... math is indeed interesting... but just some i cant understand... lolx... still have headache now... feel like sleeping... feel likr hugging my pillow now and snoring till tml morning... but i cant.... ...
spend the full 2 periods of PE looking at the clouds while others doing their fitness test... it is the first time i realise clouds are so beautiful.... for that moment... it is like it is the most beautiful thing that exist... with you imagination... clouds can formed into lot of different thing you want... ... cat chasing dog... and other more more things... it is some form of relaxation... the feeling is nice and i fell asleep... ... i dreamt of me flying up to the sky touching the pure white clouds... is so soft so comfortable... but nothing is everlasting... the beautiful pure white sky will eventually turned dark, and its pure white beauty will disappered... infront of you will be the dark clouds, that forever seem so mystery to me... it might start raining or it might not... no ones know... there might be only the lightning and thunder that i always fear of... or the dark clouds just fade of without anything happen...... it is the same as human relationship, no relationship is everlasting, that might be some case... i dont know... ... thinking back... are you still keeping in contact with
ALL your primary school friends... you might be keeping in touch with some... but definelty not all...... for me... my best friends in primary... noteven one i am keeping in touch with... reason might be we are of different schools... or some others reason... the most we saw each other, we will just say hi and walked away... worst still just walked pass each other... ... to maintain a good relationship with others isnt easily... it doesnt mean that you might with that person everyday, the relationship will be good... sometimes distant might be a better choice... looking at the same people everyday... soon, one will get tired of each other.... have a distance... relationship might be longer as there are still things that you can find out from each others... at least there is still some interest in that person that you can find out.... that why i always say... bestfriend are always bestfriend... and it will remain forever and there wont be another improvement in the relationship cause you know that person too well... all his/her fault there nothing much in that person that interest you... therefore relationship will not last...
sometimes i just think that maybe single is a better choice... but can i fly up high without you in my mind...? you might not know my feeling... but i will just kept it as a secret... a secret of mine...
Monday, April 26, 2004

Congrats! Your a Pure Angel! Angels, as far as most
of them go, are all compatabile creatures, but
Pure ones simply are symbols of God. Pure
Angels always appear when a child is born, when
a rainbow is seen, or when someone shares their
first kiss. They never grow old, an can appear
in the shape of a naked woman with white, bold
wings. Pure angels are the carriers of god, and
show their love to everyone in the world.
What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
had a tiring day at sch... kept falling asleep during lesson... nut at least i try to keep myself throughout the whole school day except during chinese period... i gave up the time on studying for my chinese test later on...instead i lie flat on the table... definetly i did have some question dun know how to do... tml will be my e-math class test... haven touch a single topic on it yet... got to mug after i have my dinner, but sure fell asleep half way through... shld have my coffee to accompany throughout the night....
i sometimes wonder what faith is.. is it really that important?... often hear people say that there must be faith between husband and wife, between couples, family, friends and of course yourself... but how many people are there who really know what faith is... i personally dun really understand what it is... is there really people we can trust for... you can say that you trust that person as he/she is your best friend... but can you really sure that he/she will not betray you... not to mention might be also the case that your family members betray you too...or even yourself betray yourself for some reasons... who knows? i not telling the whole world that there is no one in the world we can trust for... i believe there is... just that some we have not discovered yet... i do trust my family...i dun regret trusting them even something bad really happen(which i dun think will), i wont regret... but now... i am still searching for someone else who i can trust for... i am still searching... i saw a blur figured at a far away land... i try to reach for it, but i cant... dun try asking me who is that... i really have no idea who is that figure and is it the ones that i am searching for... i will just take my take my time to search for...i am not in a rush but i do dun want to waste too much of my time... you can say that i am rather fussy... but that me... ...
for a dream to actually happen
we need to have faith and believe that it will.
even though most of our hearts were broken
in the midst of the journey
even though our hopes were often shattered
by the failures that we experience along the way
even though we were faced with obstacles
and opposition from people who were unhappy
with the way we handled things because
they didnt understand our reason behind it
they doubt our capabilities
or they simply didnt like us.
but still
because many of us are trying our best
and will continue to try our best
this dream will not be destroyed by anyone
who wishes to push us down delibrately
but it will persist on and will eventually
Saturday, April 24, 2004
well... today nothing much happened... as usual... went to school for cca... was rather boring... cause all lecture ... nothing i have nth to do?... hahaz... except for the footdrill la... my favorite... lolx... ... had quite a fun time... heex... after training went for tuition... and i was... rather cant absorb what he is teaching... ended up dunno what am i drawing at the worksheet... hahaz.. then went straight home after that... cause everyone not free... -sigh- actually wanna go orchard walk walk myself one... but... in the end dun feel like going... so go home lorhz... haha... spend the whole evening in front computer... hahaz... and one more thing... today i did the cooking... hahaz... seldom right... or never been doing before... hahaz... haha... no one at home today...(now still alone) daddy and mummy wont be home so early... bro staying back at camp not coming home then my sis i think she work night shift today... so the whole house is mine... hahaz... always like that one... -sigh-.... alright... haha.... what i cook today... hmz... fry hotdog and potaoes~!~... haha... the result mahz... still ok right... though the colour abit dark ( abit only hor~) then the taste still quite nice one... hahaz... got cut when peeling the potaoes skin and burn by the oil,,, so unluckly right... hahaz.... think this will be my first and last time cooking la... unless i am needed... hahaz... of course i will be happy to do the cooking... and i will be more happy to eat.... hahaz... what i hate most is the clearing up la... but finally i clean it all up... ~ tired~~
i simply fell in love with the background music i have - pachebel -cannon in D major... a nice and calming sound... i ahve been learning the piano score of this sound by myself... only learn in half way through.... think still need lot of time before i complete the whole piece... hahaz..
still remember someone told be before he wanna teach me this piece and the twinkle twinkle little star... but seldom talk to each others nowsaday... it has been 2 years since i saw him? hahaz... but is not a big deal anyway huh... hahaz... got to talk to you one day in msn if i saw you... got lot of thing to catch up with you... hahaz... frenz forever~!
oh ya... before i end... got to add one more thing... HAPPY BIRTHDAY
VIVIEN... one year older liaoz... hahaz... next time we together go see NC-16 movie k... then help smuggle daph, mingz they all in~ hahaz...
i still miss him... no matter he still rem me not... i just dunno why.... am i silly?
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
lalaz... got back my chinese oral marks... only got 25/30... no really good arhz... have lesson until 4 smth today again... -sigh-.... die liaoz... forget where i put my phy paper mr gui give just now.... misplace in humanities room.... den sure die... sure gone by now... -sigh-... how... *sniff*sniff* haiz... tomorrow got chinese and social studies test... then fri got sci practical test... all haven study yet... die... haiz...
know what... suddenly miss him... not really suddenly la... but just miss lo... dunno why juz keep thinking of him... haha...want to see him again... but dunno when will saw him again... depend on fate bahz... =|
Monday, April 19, 2004
Stupid trigo differentiation lahz... cant seem to understand it !!!.... die... 8 questions only know how to do 2.... -sigh- how~!~! *sniff*sniff* how to differentiate... how to simplify ... how to... ayai... dunno how to do lahz...die le lahz... anyone know how to do?? i am so blur now.... cos x = -sin x, sin x =cos x, tan x= sec2 x... den how to simplify when x=∏/3, dy/dx= sin2(∏/3)(-3sin3(∏/3)+cos(∏/3)[2cos2(∏/3)].... how to simplify this~!~!... haiz.... forget it... no mood to coninue anymore... the more i think... my brain gonna burst liaoz... =(
i miss him...know that it is impossible , but still miss him... he is only one that has ever make my heart skip a beat... but guess is impossible lo... but can see him can liaoz... saw him on sat... hmz... how lehz... dunno what to say...
Sunday, April 18, 2004
yesterday was quite a interesting day indeed...this is the first year i am going down to WRCD since... when when i was first enroll in sec 1...? hahaz... yesterday was interesting... enjoy through the world thing... but just that i still cant stand the kid that aint enthu , it hard to teach them thing if they aint enthu about it, i shldnt pin point anyone, just that feel like i am not up to the standard to be a so called leader or what... i cant even let them enuth about screaming and shouting... =|... i kind of regret going down yesterday, though is quite fun (except for those some kids), i skipped my tuition... and never did a single study yesterday...=\ but i suppose i wont did much study yesterday too... i might end up in front of televison or computer... heee...
Mid year exam is coming and i haven prepare for it yet...shall start it now to prepare for mid year exam and o level... hahaz... shaould get too invove in the rc anymore.. think the next few big even should be the hike and camp during june... (",) shall be back to mugging~ =-P
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
well... shall blog my last word before i go to sleep... let me summarize about today.. nothing much today lohx... finally complete my nafa test... hahaz... whole boday ache?? no really lahz... last week den i feel whole boday ache... today the same again... lesson until 4.30 den end... haiz... wonder how long will it take... somemore after my chinese o level paper... there will be even night classes... -sigh- but shall be fun right... seldom got these thing... then can spend more time with classmate... if not after o level no more these fun time with them liaoz... unless we meet out again once a month or week... but hard to say lahz... -sigh- time pass really fast... no much time left for us to be together liaoz... so let just just treasure our precious time bahz... let all do our best to our studies... let it be a present we give to our beloved "him" since after he left... hahaz... alright... haha i just realise that i have chinese est tml... but very sleepy now... -sigh- tml then study lahz.... seem more slack nowsaday... how~!~!... what shall i do~!~!.... (",) ok gto to sleep before my mummy back home from work... or else she will skin me alive... hahaz... just kidding lahz... just dont want her to worry that why i so late still haven sleep... wait tml cant wait up den die... hahaz... dont feel like let anyone to worry about me now... let it my parents, teachers or friends.... i just dont feel like letting them to worry about me... so i shall remain cheerful... hahaz... =P
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
haha... just realise that i haven been bloggin quite a while... no choice me already been overload with all the school work and cca works.... -sigh- so tired thses few days... didnt seem to listen to what teacher have say in the class... kinda dunno what homework i am having.... hahaz... *sLap MySeLf* wake up la... o level liaoz still dare to sleep in class... hahaz... ok la.... still got 3 more days before the week end... time past rather fast... but hor... got to complain la... everyday lesson until 4 will die due to tiredness one lehz~~~~.... but so what... we still have to stay back for lesson right... we cant run away... or else we will get into dunno wat ICC, DC, RTC... all sort of "C" class.... that our school ground rules ... hahaz... absent without vaild reason will be INVITE to these classes... hahaz... so fortunate right... lolx... Tml got PE lesson, the only lesson that i like... hahaz.. dun need to face all types of books mahz... so HaPPy~ YiPPEee... hahaz... sat got chinese oral... gotta tell chinese teacher that i got to take oral earlier cause i am going down for the sec 1 enrollment this sat... hahaz... think of that... dunoo where i put my full u to already.... got to search it out... hahaz... ok laz... must go and my pillow pillow le... shall blog again when i am free... hahaz....
----miss little white drumz-----
Friday, April 09, 2004
GooD FrIdAY~~ finally today can sleep until 9 smth then wake up... feel so bliss.... hahaz... did nothing do accept homework again... haiz... den after that i had always beem infront of com and tv... lolx... tml still got first aid duty for the road run... thank goodness i finish my run already... tml will just enjoy looking at them running... hahaz.... nice siaz... tml still need to wake up early again... haiz... meet shuting at pasir at 715 to have breakfast... but hor... by 730 must must must reach pasir park already to stand by... haiz... so tired... lolx... kinda blur of wat i am talking now too....
[Exacted from weiting's blog]
Everyday when you return from your school, whether or not it is from a secondary school, a junior college,
a polytechnic, or ITE, you would probably think that school sucks.
All that work and torture under your lecturer's or teacher's homework, assignments or tutorials...
But think about this, i mean really think.
All the time spent with your classmates, all the laughter, sorrows, and happiness of knowing that your friends are there in your class.
Now imagine them gone, perhaps part of them or even all of them.
You may not realise it, but when advancing into the next level of education,
it is inevitable that some friends will be parting with you.
What is all this you ask yourself, what I ask is of you to think, for those who read this,
what do those people who were once or were still your classmates and friends meant to you.
Anyone who has at least finished their o levels and has graduated from respective schools would
know the feeling of parting with your classmates and friends.
Not knowing when you still see them again.
Perhaps the next day, the next week, month, years, or even decade.
Perhaps one day, you would realise how bitter sweet those memories were, the fun you had with your classmates and friends.
That is why ever so often when you asked someone which is the most fond memories.
they had in their years in education, they would often have that sadness in their eyes, but yet, they smile briefly.
It's the memories of their school friends.
Those unforgettable years of laughter and happiness in school.
Each classmate had suffered under the same stress in school.
The teachers, whether they are kind or extremely strict.
So treasure your schooling days, don't complain,
because you never know when you will miss them dearly.
And perhaps, shed a tear for those treasured times in your youth.
If this reminded you of those classmates who brought happiness, laughter, colour to your life, pass it on,
let your classmates know that although all these years, weather short or long, you still have not forgotten them.
Let those whom are weak and tormented in the spirit find strength in this,
knowing that someone still remembers them, and care for them. No matter the circumstances.
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
YoZ... YozZ.... Finally turned 16 today liaoz.... hahaz... so happy got so many present today... hmz... about 10? haha... got a
pencil case from
daph... then a
bag from
xiu zhen,(
a book, 2 pairs of earing, a shirt, a monkey face toy, a winnie the pooh mugand a $1.10 ang bao) from
vivien, ssk,huiming,junting,daph,wendy and keng boon, a
baby tigger from
lipeng ,
earphone from
shuning, lay koon, bee yan, siew sia, te se, a
chocolate bar from
sok kie ,wei ni, huimin, pei yin, xin yan and rebecca and of course a
jay zhou cd from my
brother... hahazZ... so HaPpY siAz.... first time got so many present... haha... then got to eat
mian xian in the early morning before i went to school... so blissful... hahaz... oh ya... i dun mind belated bday present one... haha... *hint*hint* lolx...
oh ya... today is the
48th days since
zhiwei left us... to a very blissful place where one days we will all go too... shouldnt say much about it as i have in the few previous post... but time really past that fast... miss KicKaPoOã always....
Sunday, April 04, 2004
yoZ.... HaD BeeN a Few DaYs SiNCe i BloG... HahAz... Has Been BuSy With THE scHooL wOrK... AnD hOmeWoRk... caNt SeEm To FinIsH my HoMeWoRk SiaZ... HaiZ.... ok LAh.... mISs my TuItIon YestErDay CaUse gO to PaluA uBiN... so fun... hahaz... spend more then 4 hrs to plan the route there... hahaz... so tired... and my butt hurts too... hahaaz... finally get rid one of my tuition... at least can relax a bit.... hahaz.... but still must study hard hard... if not die liaoz... nvm... sure can do well de... i got so many hao hao lao shi help me... i must work more harder... cannot dui bu qi ta men... must work hard hoR~~... 3F'03 4F'04 RuLEz And ROcKx ForeVer!!! HAha... ok... 2 more days to me bday liaoz... haha... so excited hur... hahaz... but is just the same as other years... nothing special will happen right...
Thursday, April 01, 2004
HaHA... MY FiRsT dEsIGN... NicE?? Haha... No BAd ALreAdy LarHz... FiRst tIme GoT THiS REsULt... ShaLL iMpRoVe mYsElF