just been to a few blogs that i always(in the past) been to... well... it has been quite a long time since i visited those blog,i am just too busy yah... you know... hahas... that are all just excuses anyway... time are control by me... how can i say i too busy no time.. afterall it just take last than 10min of your day to read some blog and do some blogging... is like sleep 10 mins less or stop dreaming of 10 mins... well i suppose i can do that... cant i? as usually i visited a blog today... same fav blog i once visited often... the thing the blogger wrote really inspired me... not only me but to the others too. he wrote in a very beautiful way as i could put in... his every words is so well put in and is so enjoyable reading it.. the feeling is like i am back to the past... so nice...
i am loving it.To each different people, they will have the different kind of blog they like to visit too, no difference, me too.i often admired those who can write so beautifully as my language are poor... recalled back what in secondary school the english teacher will say.."Read more newspaper and book, it will definetly help!" well i am gonna try these for the first time.smilez.
suddenly i have a feeling of returning back to my secondary school time.. when i was fourteen fiftheen, the time spend in school learning and with friend are so good... i really missed them alots. As we grow, graduated from our secondary school, different of us went to different school, or even in same poly, could be in different course... poly life is definetly different from secondary school life, there wont be any classroom scence where student playing in the classroom while waiting for the next subject teacher.i remembered those funny act we does like playing ping pong ball in classroom and dodgeball, those are the memeories that will always stay in me.poly life is completely different... is like everyone is living in their own world... is not that everyone is a loner walking alone. i mean even with a group of friends, is really happy to have them around, but is just different from the feeling in secondary school, well i getting a litte bit confused over here... hahas...
i shall post some photo the next time i blog... smile...
i missed all you guys....
lalala..... See My wU GUI!!!! haha... lalala

HELLO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i retrieve my blog!!!!! hahassss
well it has been long since i blog le .... haix... finally i got the time.... has been quite busy all these while.... i gonna die of busy-ness... hahhass.... tons of schoolwork and PROJECT lo... haix... i am dead~ .....
2 weeks of holidays now after the term test... i m gonna flunk it all... all dunno wat the paper is talking about... rawr....forget it man.... let enjoy these few day first... before proceeding to my worst nightmare~~~ project!!!!!!!!!!-sigh-
should be going cycling today... hahas... depend on weather first la.... lala... hungry le... going to have my breakfast/lunch le... tata....