Tuesday, May 29, 2007
If I were blue, would you be there for me,
And whisper in my ears that's okay,
Would you stand by me, let me hold you tight,
And say you love me one more time.
If I feel good, would you slow dance with me,
And touch my lips with tender love and care
Would you die for me, would you run with me,
And never look back ..
Would you be there to love, to be with me?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you'll always be the one,
to take my breath away ..
Would you be there to love, to be with me?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you'll always be the one,
to take my breath away ..
Would You Be There ...
If I'm away, would you still think of me?
and wish that you could hold me now?
oh would you die for me, would you run with me?
all the way ..
Would you be there to love to be with me?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you'll always be the one,
to take my breath away ..
Would you be there to save my soul tonight?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you'll always be there, to kiss my pain away
Would you be there to love to be with me?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you'll always be the one,
to take my breath away ..
Would you be there to save my soul tonight?
Would you swear that your love is always true?
Would you say that you'll always be there, to kiss my pain away
Would You Be There .. For me ..
Monday, May 28, 2007
really damn feel like sleeping now lo...so damnn damnn damnn tired....
have bbq on sat and sun...but WTH i didnt eat much!!! >< hahas...
sat was doris sch project bbq...well didnt know much ppl there but did have quite some fun... winnie,jos, xuan and kelvin were there too... so wasnt lonely at all la... hahas... had captain ball... wow... that was dunno how long ago i last play... during sec sch..? hahas...
sun was eve bday chalet!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVE!!! well... another fun day...meet up with px jos and winnie first at pasir ris before heading off to her chalet... hahas get to cycle!!! i also very long never cycle le...around 9 mths? hahas... long right... im just lazy la...other than de ger that come .. ah dao and sengkiat were here... and of course eve de friend la...hahas... well... did drink a little bit... but i am still not drunk... haha had breezer first den martell, den volka... hahas.. reach home around 12 den was damn tired le lo... still need to wake up to work... yawnn... anyway got a free ride home yesterday!! hhaa... thanks xuan and kelvin..
now i am sooo damn boring... working working... 10 more weeks to go... jiayou... den after that will be mp le... den grad le...wah... damn fast...
hahas i have apply for smu le for quite some time le... but i still have submit my particular... LOL... IM LAZY!!!! well.. shall do this somewhere this week bahs.. ^^
hmmm i dunno wat he really wan... but just be it la... i also dunno wat i wan too...i also dunno wat im doing now...is it just for fun or wat... i also dunno.. im getting weirder and weirder each day... i dun seems to take r/s as a serious thing nowadays...hahas..but well...i should know my limit... =)
Sunday, May 20, 2007
i thought that i could give up.... but i cant.....every night, he was on my mind till i fall asleep and every morning, i would wake up first thing was him on my mind... sometimes i really scare of waking up... the feeling i get when i wake up was fearful... i was so scare... thinking of him make me so scare... i dunno why... i thots we sort out everything le... but y my heart still hurt when i think of him... although is just pass few days that i never contact him...but why like its seems like yrs.. is really hell for me... i couldnt get him off my mind... wat am i suppose to do... i realli dun like the feeling of waking up.... the feeling of so lost..so lonely... so scarly....how i wish every morning i wake up... i could see his sms... heard his voice... but everyday i just wake up with disappointment... seeing the hp accessorie that he give me... make me more hurts... but i just dun wan to put it away... i wan it to be by my side... taking it out to look once in a while... i so scare it will just go missing... i dunno why the moment i think of times when im in taiwan... my heart hurts tt lot... it make me think of him... it make me recall that tt was the time that i get to know him... the time tt i fell for him...how i wish i could turn back time... but i nv regret being with him before at all... just wish everything will be better... just wish i could get to know him more in taiwan and so for... but nth matters now... i just need alot of time...
went out with kenneth ytd... had quite a while of talk with him... talk abt des... he will be back on aug... i really dunno wat to do when he is back... really dunno... den we talk abt calvi we talk abt jerry... well... everytime i say him that he dun have confidence... but this time round... i think im really the ones that really lost confidence in everything le bahs...i start dun trust anything in relationship... all those sweet talk sweet thing all seems so fake to me... so fake... will there really an angel that truly for me and only me?
where is my angel tt will guide me.... i feel so lost...
Friday, May 18, 2007
wth lo!!!! nth have been going well with me.... today really suck!!!! firstly i miss my bus... and i almost late for work... secondly i need to change the appt date with the gift supplier again.... thirdly... i realise I NEVER BRING MY WALLET OUT TODAY!!! WTH... somemore i gg to meet my friend today lo... sian larhs... >< bad day... so bad day...
suddenly dunno why miss so many ppl so much... haix.. am i dieing soon? hahas... choy~ i still wanna study on to uni de... jiayou bahs... ^^
looking at smu webbie... hahas... should i apply?? hmmm blog later bahs
Thursday, May 17, 2007
life definely sucks...
im too young i dun understand??
dun under estimate me can... WTH....
u den dun understand me at all....
u think wat u decide is all the best....
but do u think it is always tis way?
u make ur decision.... i make my decision...
i nv regret the decision i make at the start....
i wont allow myself to regret the decision i make now..
de stupid da ben zhu sign off....
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
i am not happy at all... NOT HAPPY AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dun talk to me....
leaves me aloonnee...........
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
today is tues... haha working day again... sooo de boring... 3 mre days to go yawn... hahas... boring la.. later i still need to search and call up company for the corporate gift thingy... yawnn~~~ jiayou bahs...
jerry yesterday night for dinner and movies... we watch spiderman 3... woah... damn nice lo... =) before that we went foodcourt to eat... hahas... i eat too much in the office le... so was rather not hungry... but he die die also wan me eat... den share with him a plate of chai tou kua ... i only have a mouthful onli... actually i wanna pay for my own movies ticket de... but when i say tt ... he scold me crazy... what wrong with that mahs.. rawr!!!
den after went home le lorhs... haha he sent me home ^^ did tell him tt is ok tt i go home myself la... cause his hse just 2~3 bus stop away frm ps onli... but he scare i overslept... and i die die say dun wan msg him when i go home... so he bo bian lo... lalala~~
haix... he might be leading tour to beijing nxt month`~~ T~T haixx... wat to do... sianxx... =(

Movies tickets~

My Ticket

His ticket ~

a gift frm him ...smilex ^^
Create Yours @ NackVision
Monday, May 14, 2007
today is mon... hahas... finish all my task given le... so here im slacking... well shall blog abt pass few day bahs...
we had a early mother day celebration on the sat 12th may... hahas.. it has been such a long time since the whole family sit down together to have dinner le... we went out for dinner and is GREAT... hhaas after that we went NTUC to shop... LOL is like this is the first time the family go shopping together...in my memories la... pathetic right... hahas but well... is a nice day... !!=) before that went out with my sec sch friend ( eileen, changfang and laykoon) at bugis for some chat and just walk walk ard... didnt stay long... but well is nice to meet up and have some chat... =)
as for sun... didnt went out... stay the whole day at home... jerry's back tt day... well he reach singapore quite late... like 7pm lidat... tot of meeting him de... but next day still have to work... he invite me to stay overnight at his hse and he acc me go work the next morning... but i never go la... is weird to stay at ppl hse overnight lo... dun really have the habit... I LOVE MY HSE!! hahas... anyway will be meeting him later for movies ^^
damn bored... my partner delp has go out to give out brochure.... no one to crap with me... siannn.... 3 more hrs to go... jiayou bahs...
yeah...can meet him later... hmmm.. but i still pondering... will we last? well... he has a good temper... nv see him angry with me b4... well...i kind of feel weird this way...dunno la...
Thursday, May 10, 2007
BORING!!!! IS DAMN FREAKING BORING NOW!!!!! YAWN.... just finish my ppt slide on the bachelor on nursing.... so damn boring now... there nth for me to do... SOBS.... and now is not even 12 noon yet!!! still gt 6 more hrs to go...WTH am i suppose to do~!!!!yawnn.... LOL... todae gonna spend a lot of money le... who ask me hand so easy buy this and that... hmmm arounf 80bucks bahs... including my meal todae... argg!!! i didnt even earn tt much a day lo... sobs... i shall eat bread for the followng day... and somemore i need to put back the money i take out frm oub acct... has been saying for very long le... but i never put any money in b4... noli got get out... RAWR!!! die le larhs... sobs...
4 more days and he will be back... will tat kind of fast ehs? hmmm dun really miss him tt much after all... hahas... maybe i am really tired at work le... =)
now really so boring arrhhhss!!! shall think of wat to eat later... lala... so hungry now... hmmm i wanna eat ba chop mee... hope there isnt much ppl todae... smilex... later i bored den i blog again bahs... nth much to blog now le... hahasss
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
lalalalaa.... is another morning at work and im here blogging... hahas.. daily routine lar... =X.... just reach workplace not long... so damn blur today lo... hahas... i set my alaram at 615 but i wake up at only 7!!! 0.o hahas... den blur blur de go bath bath...den when i wanna get out of my hse.. is already 735 like tt le... gosh... definely gonna miss my 63 de larhs...>.< who ask me ytd night never sleep early... hahas... was veri tired actually... but cant get to sleep... but i think i watch tv till the yu le bai fen bai tt time den i fell asleep le... really damn too tired le... hahas... ok... so i miss my 63!!!! but still the next bus is still so packed... rawr~~!! well... but manage to get a seat at aljunied MRT there.. hahas...*lucky*lucky* so bla bla bla... reach tiong baru den change bus... the bus 851 was damn fast... hahas somemore is drive by a woman!! woah!!! so when i reach here... is still not yet 9...(although im suppose to report work at 8.30) wahhahaa... bought a hotdog bun... i love hotdog!!! yummy yummy~!!and bla bla bla... and so im here blogging... and chitchatting... heess...
well well... the da ben zhu should be enjoying his sakura at japan le bahs... humphh!!! nvm..i shall admire my beautiful orchid in singpore.. >.< rawr~~ not fair lars... zhu tou de ehs... humphh...i also wan see sakura... and he must be happily knowing his tour memebers le hor... esp the 22yr ger... bleahss... rawr... should continue to complain so that he will sneeze until dunno wat... bleahxxx bleahxxx bleahxx... he will be back on the 13... so 6 more days to go... should be very fast de right... >.< hope so larhs... he at there enjoying wont miss me also de... so i SHALL NOT MISS HIM!! ya.... hahas... watever bahs... lalalala....
actually was still wondering if he's the right one... too much differences in between le.. he say he will try to change.. think i should make some changes too bahs..im just a bit too unreasonable only mahs...but that natural de arh... =P hmmm... but actually i start to "huai yi" myself... sometimes i really dunno when im serious abt it and when im not... wouldnt really make up my mind... shouldnt play too much in the past... duhz.. shouldnt talk abt past thingy le... maybe really sure treasure wat coming bahs... smilex smilex..
it has be long time since i reply to des letter le... but nevertheless he still keep writtin to me.. but i really dunno wat to reply him le... i already say wat i wan... and i think veri long le... but y just he cant understand... i know it may seem unfair to him... but.. i really dunno le larhs... shall reply his letter one last time bahs... im just not worth for him... really...
6 more days~~
Monday, May 07, 2007
my dear is leading tour to japan today... 4 more hr he will be flying off le... aww... i miss him... it will gonna be 7 days without contact with him... aww.. sadded... haix... miss him... he must rem to miss me wor... and the thing that he promise me... =) counting down till he's back... will be back by 13...jiayou jiayou... time faster pass...
hahas k larhs... gtg le... off work le...i reach home den cont update bahs...
miss him~~ *huggies*
Friday, May 04, 2007
hahas... IT FRI... hahas... that mean tml wont have to work le... sat le!!! hees... okie larhs... all these while the work load still managable... except dun ask me call ppls anymore le... i detest talking to ppls i dunno... somemore ish calling those director and i have to speak in serious manner... rawr... tt sucks... haahaaa
im so damn hungry now... haven eat a single thing from yesterday lunch till now... except those... rubbish food larhs hahasss... sooo hungry....
anyway went kbox with
jerry yesterday and with another 4 of his collegues... hahas... a bit sian larhs... cause i just sit there see them sing... paisei mahs... only know him... den dun dare sing lo... den he ask me whether know this or that song... i all ans no... lol... sorry larhs.. realli pai sei... hahas... u go out with my friend den i sure will sing de... LOL... actually everything is still not tt boring larhs.. at least can see him and he is there to acc me lo.. happy happy le ^^ btw all of them sing damn nice lo... hahas...heng i nv open my golden mouth... window sure crack de... hees... den reach home already 12 lidat le.. stupid me still go on the tv and watch... haha... den end up watching finish "yu le bai fen bai" and finish msging him at near to 3am den i sleep... LOL... so tired lo... 6am alaram ring le lorhs... like never sleep much also... den somemore had nightmare... which take away almost all my sleep... YAWN... damn it lorhs... hahas.. den in the morning 715 lidat morning call him up... hahas tt zhu tou lo... still sleeping soundly when im already dress up and going to go for work le.. good life sia him... hahas.. but tt good larhs.. got to hear his voice early in the morning... though he is not the first voice i heard when i wake up ... hahas.. but it still brighten abit of my life... hahas ^^ and veri sweet of him wor.. every now and then will sms me say he miss me... hahas... smilex smilex... =D
boring 3 more days he will be leading tour to japan for around a week... so tt mean i will lost contact with him for a week!!! sadded~~! T_T really miss him badly lo... even now... >< but wat can i do... T_T
thanks px also for sms me ytd to acc me... hahas if not i sureeee boreddd to death lee... thanks darling~~ muacks~~!!
miss him miss him miss him~~
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
LOL... another day at work... this is already the beginning of the 2nd week of work here le... everything is still fun lorhs... well... i am damn free so im here blogging in my office in the early of the morning... HAHA... im just bored larhs...
yesterday is the sneak preview of spiderman3... I WANNA WATCH IT... but must wait till he is free den can go watch BORING LA!!! he is always sooo sooo busy... ><
-sigh- he will be leading tour on monday to hokkaido,Japan for abt 6 or 7 days... haix... boring la... tt LONG lo... but JAPAN lei... i wanna go also!!!! >< next time bahs... when i am free and when im loaded... now... im just still busy with my attachment(well although i got nth to do) and im BROKE!!!! hahas... cant even have enuff $$ to book airplane ticket... well... JIAYOU to me bahs... ^^ well... how am i gonna kill my time when he is there... there's one lesser ppl for me to disturb le... he cant call me when he's there also... too ex le larhs.. BORING!!!!! nvm i shall be understanding and endure... although TT NOT VERY LIKE ME!!! hahas... but wat to do... jus be it bahs... more to come de lei.. lalala...
actually was still pondering whether did i make the right choice.. do the right thing...since i decide on this choice to try... i shall settle other prob... its damn lot till i dunno wat to do... wat shall i make my life so complicated... simple and easy can le mahs... haix... watever la... just take a step and see lo.. smilex.. =)
well after blogging so much... im still so free... arggh... what there more to blog... *think think think* oh ya... jus heard frm daniel(supervisor) that our LO will be coming down tomorrow to visit us... haha FINALLY MAN!!! i haven hand in my pledge form yet lo... LOL... remind to do some tml!! hahas...
well well..yesterday is labour day... tt mean no work for me... hahas... was rotting at home the whole day... wake up abt 11+ to 12 like tt... good life right... lol... but poor him have to work... hahas...wat to do... he still call me yesterday and complain... but just talk a while den he need to hang up le... got work mahs... nvm larhs... ( really dun sound like me right) hahas...
well... i also dunno... he is not as passionate as the others to me... like stick to me always or wat de...maybe of his age bahs... we are 2 of diff thinking ppl... age gap do make a difference right? well... did tell him that how i feel actually... something was lacking actually... and really see that he did make the effort to change... not very big change la.. but he was right larhs... we need to try... and more impt thing is trust..
for me ... i definely need to change the bad habit of mine... i know where im not good in... who ask me for being an aries...im just a typical aries... who is bad-tempered, self-centered which make me seem so unreasonable... well or actually im... those who has been with me will know... but i am such a weird freak la... the way i treat my friend and bf is totally diff lorhs... hahas... sometime i will think is really a bliss to be my friend den bf... to friend... i wont show much temper and i wont be unreasonable... i will do thing jokingly with them bla bla bla... as for bf... maybe the expectation from me to them is higher bahs... i dunno how to express myself well in words... and i often make a mess out of it...well... guy just cant understand wat woman wans... and women just cant express themselve well to guy to let them know wat they want... watever hell larhs... everything is just so complicated lo... if everything is simple and easy isnt tt good... we dun need to worry so much.. cause everyhting is SIMPLE!! but... well... next life also wont have this stuff de larhs... just live with it bahs...
yawnnn.... boring larhs... im so damn hungry now... and it is only 10!!! how long more can i wait... my gastric and stomach are protesting le!!!!! FOOD!! FOOD!! I WANT FOOD!!! well im getting mad le... =.=''' i feel like sleeping also... so damn damnn damnn tired... yawnn!!! he sms me say he think of me... well.. that bright up my day!! smilex...