RAWRRR!!!!! IM SO DAMN BORED NOWWW!!!! not that i dun have anything to do... i got lots of thing to do... like my project, cleaning my room, going gym...bla bla bla... but i am JUST NOT IN THE MOOD TO DO SO!!!! i didnt do much on my project research today... i didnt clean my room much today... and I DIDNT GO TO GYM AT ALL TODAY JUST BECAUSE IM TOO LAZY!!!! omg!!! i just wasted my weekend like thiss... how can i lidat !!! RAWRR!!
i shall make my day more producive from tomorrow onwards... i shall visit the gym more often... it has been more than a months since i last went... is such a waste of money and the most important is that.......... I AM GETTING FATTER!!! everytime i step on the weighting machine my bro will just say dun need see la... wont change de... I AM SAD!~!! RAWRR!!! GYM shall be my fav hangout place from now on... cut down 10kg!!! that my aim!!! no fried food... no potato chip... no fries... NONONO!!! i must be determine!! >.<
okie... that the plan for tomorrow...
9am- ??? >> reach school for major project >> GYM for 1 hr >> Home sweet home...
haha... simple and sweet... =D
well... i think i shall start blogging before it is fully cover with dust, spider web, insect or whatever else thing. i definetly will not abandon my this beloved blog...after it has already been with me for 4 yrs plus... hahas... soon coming to 5 yrs le... wow... such a long time... is like i just start blogging yesterday... but NOT!!! is 5 long years le...
has been quite a long while since i last blog... if eve never complain tat i nv update... i think i wont possible think of updating... life has been bad for me... nothing much to blog also... my life revolve around school school school and school... suddenly so lifeless sia... and imagine what!! my fav hangout place nowsaday is SCHOOL!!! because there is tons and tons of project waiting for me to complete...OMG... what kind of life im leading... hope this kind of life faster end !!! hope i can do well for my last semester and get into any university... or else... i really dunno wat i can do after i graduate...!!! i got to work double, triple hard !!! but my MP is really getting on my nerves... im doing on an external project... and we are half way thru the semester ... and we are heading no way... i dunno what im doing also... im just getting no way... really sorry to my groupmates as i really did nothing much to help them...OMG ... i really ought to slap myself and wake up and concentrate on those stupid project!!!JIAYOU!!!
hmmm... i haven been thinking of changing my image a bit... i have always been very unsatisfied with it!!! and nv ever satisfied with it.. maybe shall try out something new... well i shall thing abt it first...