Sunday, April 26, 2009
sweet thing make me happier.... for example- CHOCOLATE!!! =D
Friday, April 24, 2009
perhaps that what i want.
i did thought to myself before... what exactly do i really want. i know im greedy, and i did ask myself before to be contented with what i have now before i move on to being greedy. i think im contented for long enough, perhaps not really contented all the while. but i think is enough, long enough, that is enough for me to perhaps be a little greedy, i dun think im asking too much right.
perhaps it is really what i wan.. a change might not be a bad thing...but i just wonder how am i going to handle this... i wonder...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
i offically own the 4 series of twilight- twlight, new moon, eclipse, and breaking dawn. im a happy girl now - smiling~!!
i have just finished reading the 2nd series- new moon and moving on to the 3rd book... hhhhaas.... im so proud of myself being able to finish the 2nd book within 2 days... =D
back to reading!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
i finally finished my twilight book. couldnt use finally actually... i never want to finish the story so soon, i cant bear to finish it cause it is so good and enjoying to read... and once i finished reading... i don't really know what else there for me to do... staring blankly at my ceiling.. that not gonna last me for the whole day... not even a hour.. guess i will have to search for the bookstore tomorrow to buy the other series when i go out with my mum.
i start to love the times being alone reading... it's feeling soooo soooo soooo good. i simply can spend the whole afternoon or even the whole day reading best without anyone disturbing. nice story book with nice story line makes me feel good too.... im so happy... i guess im pretty much easy to content, just give a book that i like... and i can just appear as i never exist at all... falling all into my own reading world... i wouldnt care much about anything in the real world... i just enjoying myself in the story work. story world is always so fairy tales aint i right? and i suppose is always better that the real world. at least it apply for me...
i dun mind becoming a character in the story i like..with perfect nice gentle hero character the writer describe, and those scence and action that isnt-gonna-be-happen-in-real world. sometimes i really wonder isnt it great if what the story is becoming truth in real life. like in twilight, i couldnt mind having a bf like edward cullen, even though he is an vampire- a good one though, making a good effort to be with and protect the girls he like, although he really have to make a big effort to do so. that kind of attraction that attract me... but i dun seems to find anything lidat in the realist world... -groaned- isnt fairy tales world better... sulk...
i sound like im getting so depressed... perhaps im... cause i have no books to read for the time being... i have no enough fantasizing myself in the story world... hahhas... im totally crazy... =D
im just wondering..... hmmm... =D i think i shall keep that wonder to myself... secret.. =)

i seriously can't get my eyes and hands off my twilight story book... im so going to get the next 3 series of it at one go the next time i visit the bookstore... or maybe i might even make the effort to make a trip down to the bookstore to get those book... im already 3/4 through the book... and is already past midnight... supposedly time for me to get on bed... but im still hesitating whether to continue reading... i feel as if im almost becoming a character in the story. the feeling- nice.
that why i enjoy reading .. the feeling the same that time- when small, and now. i just like the feeling of imagine myself as a character in the story, it make everything so really, and it makes my brain works more than as usual. =D
Sunday, April 19, 2009
i am currently obsessed with twilight this book. just bought the first series of twilight yesterday, and start reading it today after i wake up in the late afternoon ( i know it isnt good to wake up so late... but well i sleep late last night-okay it isnt good either...). the storyline totally catch my attention immediately. i enjoy reading it... even missing watching the steven chow show that was aired on channel 8. it has been quite a while since i last read. i rememeber my last book was on " Fatal Seductions 2" during somewhere in 1 years plus back... when i having my work attachment and there was this book sales selling old books blaa... blaa... blaa... and there i got the fatal seduction 1 and 2. oh.. wait... or did i read the last series of harry potter in between... i don't really remember that well... i just know that i didn't finish harry potter that book. not that the story is not nice or wat... not the story problem... just that i lost interest in reading at the point of time. so now is time to get my momentum back in reading... afterall im free now =D
okie i shall get back to my usual staff... and my book of course... im only half way thru... think this book will keep me occupied for tomorrow and hopefully the day after if im slow enough. =D
Saturday, April 18, 2009
2.30 in the morning...
and i am still not asleep...
that bad...
HAPPY 5 YEARS 9 MONTHS and 6 DAYS to my blog!! hmm... it should be older as i remember...but deleted entries does not exist anymore... so...again...
HAPPY 5 YEARS 9 MONTHS and 6 DAYS to my blog!!okay....
im bored....
Friday, April 17, 2009

im currently crazy over this korean version of meteor garden ( Boys over flower), the f4 in this show are super cute and handsome... hahahs... i think im going crazy... the four main actors are all new faces in korean showbiz and most impt, they are young!! i think the oldest is only 24 and the youngest is only 20! and they act very well... hahas... okie...i shall control myself... overall this is a very nice romance show...funny also...what i can say is the actors and actress in it totally fit in to the characters that i imagine them to be... this is gonna be one of my fav show... =D i haven already finish watching the show... but i feel like watching it all over again... arghh!!
well... enough of my craziness over korean drama... i have been offically out of job for 2 weeks and 2 days!! hahahs.... im enjoying myself to this slacking life.... but i dun think i can enjoy long... hahas... i gotta find a job before i spend finish all my capital....
and i think laziness must have got over me... and my immune systems start to get weaker.... i shall drink more water and be healthy... trying!!! =D
Friday, April 10, 2009
i feel so lost track of all my friends, regardless sec school friends, poly friends or any other friends, i seems to get so anti social nowadays.... well im having the phenomenal of being a loner soon.... i shall get rid of my anti-social-ness, get my butt out of my house... and hang out more with my friends... okie... im trying... trying!!
anyway happy belated 4 days for my 21st birthday. thanks to all my friends and the present =D